What Makes People Tick?

Hay House Radio Episode Recap

  • Episode Name: “What Makes People Tick?”
  • Live Broadcast: August 15th, 2016 at 3:00 pm Pacific Time

Episode Replays: Mondays at 11:00 pm Pacific Time / 2:00 am Eastern Time and Sundays at 2:00 pm Pacific Time / 5:00 pm Eastern Time

Episode Summary Re-cap

Have you ever wondered why people behave the way they do?

We’re going to dive into the ancient system of Chinese medicine and reveal why people are the way they are. We’ll discover how to better understand ourselves and others.

Dondi Dahlin Portrait

Special Guest: Dondi Dahlin Dondi is the daughter of Donna Eden a leader in the field of Energy Medicine and founder of Eden Energy Medicine. Dondi has a diverse background, having grown up in the world of Energy Medicine and show business!

She is a member of the Screen Actors Guild, and won the titles of both “Belly Dancer of the Universe” and “Outstanding Speaker in the Nation.” She has performed in over 30 countries, and is one of the few American dancers to have had a successful career in the Middle East. She has even performed for celebrities, such as: Omar Sharif, Angie Dickinson, Peter Fonda, and Jimmy Buffet.

Dondi co-authored The Little Book of Energy Medicine with her mother, Donna. She also just finished her own book, The Five Elements, which will be released by Tarcher in 2016. She also created “The Wednesday Energy Minutes” which are 60-second clips based on Energy Medicine techniques and filmed at locations across the globe.

Dondi travels with her Mom, Donna Eden spreading Eden Energy Medicine and the Five Elements through international workshops, and she is a sought-after speaker and MC for conventions and conferences.

Learnthefiveelements.com | Facebook

The Five Elements by Dondi DahlinDondi’s New Book: The Five Elements – If you pre-order THE FIVE ELEMENTS from Barnes & Noble by midnight on Friday August 19, you will be entered in a drawing to win The Little Book of Energy Medicine or The Energies of Love! We will give away five copies of each book so you have a great chance of winning!

Pre-order The Five Elements from Barnes & Noble and send us an email at [email protected] with your B&N order number in the subject line. We will announce the winners on Saturday August 20.

You can also pick up free bonuses at www.LearnTheFiveElements.com All you need is your Barnes & Noble order number.

What Makes People Tick – Tips Revealed

Dondi Dahlin and Heather Dane at Hay HouseHave you ever wondered why people behave the way they do? Why you get along with some people and not others? What about those people who are so easy to work with…and then the others that seem impossible no matter how hard you try? Do you sometimes wish it were easier to just get along with everyone?

We’re going to dive into the ancient system of Chinese medicine and reveal why people are the way they are. You’ll discover how to better understand and have compassion for yourself and others.

The Five Elements Explained in a Nutshell

In Chinese medicine, the five elements are often represented visually as a wheel with five circles: water, wood, fire, earth and metal elements. Each of these elements are based on patterns in nature discovered thousands of years ago by the Chinese. The five elements allow us to understand how these natural patterns show up in our lives, emotions and health.

  • Water – There are two archetypes for water: (1) the deep philosopher and (2) the baby. Water element people are very deep. As the philosopher, hey love deep conversations, musical scores, and they love creativity. As the baby, they love everything new and shiny. They are great at being beginners. They can have trouble with follow through. Waters can pair with a wood element person to help them follow through on projects and goals. Their health vulnerability is kidneys and bladder-related issues and the main emotion that can get stuck for them is fear.
  • Wood – The wood archetypes are: (1) the pioneer and (2) the warrior. Wood element people are strong, fearless and can sometimes steamroll people. They are highly motivated doers and very good at getting things done or turning ideas into action. Their health vulnerability is in the liver and gallbladder and the emotion that can get stuck is anger.
  • Fire – Fire archetypes are (1) the wizard and (2) the comedian. Fire people are happy and smile, even if they are in a serious situation. They have a natural ability to pull people out of stubbornness, darkness or depression. They love to move toward the bright light, which may make them seem flighty or non-committal. Their health vulnerability often surrounds the heart, pericardium (protective sac around the heart), triple warmer (the energy in the body that governs the fight flight or freeze response) and small intestine. The emotion that can get stuck for fires is panic.
  • Earth – Earth archetypes are (1) pre-school teacher or (2) the camp counselor. When you think of earth, think mother energy or the comforter. They have a physical and emotional need to help people and animals. They often make people feel good and safe. Their physical vulnerabilities can center around the stomach and spleen, which have to do with the physical ability to digest food and emotional ability to digest life. The emotion that can get stuck for earths is worry.
  • Metal – Metal archetypes are (1) the alchemist and (2) the queen. They are wise and reverent, often seeking a higher path. Sometimes, metals can seem detached, almost as if they are finishing their work on earth and getting ready to ascend. Metals tend to have a physical vulnerability in the lungs and large intestine/colon. These organs are often about letting go, which can feel challenging for metals. The emotion that can get stuck for metals is grief.
** Easy Energy Medicine Videos to Clear Stuck Emotions for All Five Elements **

What Element Are You? Take the Quiz!

While the five elements play out in all of our lives, many of us are a blend of a couple of elements. Learn your primary and secondary elements with Dondi Dahlin’s Five Elements Quiz.

How the Five Elements Improve Relationships with Self & Others

The five elements can help us understand human behavior, emotions, health and relationships! The key to understanding the five elements is that the goal is to create balance. Just as nature seeks balance, our bodies, minds and spirits also seek balance. You may tend toward one or two elements, but this doesn’t mean you have to get stuck in patterns.

The more you understand how the five elements show up for yourself and others, the more you can stop, recognize how the pattern is playing out and make adjustments to bring balance to any situation.

Why Some People Get Along and Others “Push Our Buttons”

Flow Cycle – When you get along well with someone, you are likely in a “flow cycle” with them. When energy is flowing easily, people tend to have a smoother relationship with one another.

Elements in the Flow Cycle

  • Water supports Wood
  • Wood supports Fire
  • Fire supports Earth
  • Earth supports Metal
  • Metal supports Water

Control Cycle – When two elements are on each other’s “control cycle,” things can become difficult. Just as energy has polarity, a push and a pull (think of magnets), so do the elements. The control cycle can feel like two elements pushing against each other, pushing each other’s buttons, even when they also have a lot of respect for each other—at least superficially. There may be no obvious reasons to feel irritated, frustrated, exasperated, hurt, or angry, but those feelings may very well come bubbling up around someone whose element pushes all of your element’s buttons. You might feel that all of your vulnerabilities and deepest control issues surface too.

Elements in the Control Cycle

  • Water controls Fire
  • Fire controls Metal
  • Metal controls Wood
  • Wood controls Earth
  • Earth Controls Water

Health Tip of the Day: How to Heal By Creating Balance

barefoot in the grassThe Haudenosaunee people (Iroquois Native Americans) had a very different relationship with Mother Earth than we do today. Interestingly, in ancient healing systems, like Native American medicine and Chinese medicine, going back to “the Mother” or Mother Earth, is a big part of healing, whether emotionally or physically.

We all have experienced this when we take a walk in nature, in the sands and oceans, the mountains and forests, the parks, and our backyards. We can feel something changing inside of us. Deep inside, we have a knowing that this is a kind of healing.

Your Turn

What is one thing you’d like to feel, be or do to bring more balance into your life?

Recipe for Balance: Delicious Blood Sugar Balancer 

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Meditation Expert and Hay House Author, davidji Tune in Next Week

Tune in next week to Loving Yourself to Great Health, Meditation Expert and Hay House Author, davidji will join us to talk about Zen and the Art of Healing. You’ll want to tune in because davidji is going to take us through a chocolate meditation that we will be doing on Facebook Live on the Hay House Radio Facebook page! Grab some healthy chocolate and tune in.


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As a coach, writer and recovered former executive, I understand the challenges of creating a balanced, healthy lifestyle when over-scheduled. In my journey to radiant health, I created a whole health system of eating, exercise, renewal and recharging -- a roadmap toward health & vitality. I empower clients to create their own whole health systems, in their own unique ways. I have seen amazing results in working with my clients!