Soaking Nuts and Seeds: How Long?

I had a major ‘Duh’ moment with Facebook yesterday that brought me to tears. One of my clients told me that she tried to post a testimonial to my page and it never showed up. She said, your page says “zero posts have been made to this page.” So I started digging around to find out what might have happened. That’s when I found it…hundreds of posts to my page that I didn’t realize I had to approve before they appeared.

I proceeded to go through as many of them as I could last evening and I was deeply touched and in tears. The beautiful, kind words you had written, sharing your stories, giving thanks for talks I had done or posts that touched you. It felt like what Abraham Hicks calls a “rampage of appreciation.” As much as I felt technically challenged for missing this, it was rather wonderful to read 1.5 years of messages from many of you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart — I so appreciate all of you! heart emoticon

Now I have some questions to answer from those posts too, so I’ll do it here over the next several days.

But, let’s start with this first question I received about soaking nuts and seeds…

Let’s Talk About Soaking Nuts and Seeds

Why Soak?

Soaking nuts and seeds removes the phytic acid, which is an anti-nutrient that steals minerals from the body (no good). It’s pretty easy to fix this. You put the nuts or seeds in a bowl, add enough water to just cover them and, add about 2 tsp sea salt mixed into the water and put a plate or lid on top. Leave on your countertop to soak.

How Long to Soak?

8 – 12 hours. I like to start them before bed and drain the water in the morning. 8 hours is better for the smaller seeds, like pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. Walnuts could go for 12 if you want — you’ll notice walnuts taste a lot sweeter when you soak them. The bitter coating is removed and they are ready to make wonderful desserts, like my raw chocolate chip cookie recipe.

What’s the Deal with Chia Seeds and Flax Seeds?

They get slimy. Yes they do! This is because they have a type of gel-forming fiber called mucilage that is great for your intestines! It’s also why they make wonderful raw food cookies and crackers — the gel acts as a binder holding everything together. Vegetarians and vegans often use flax seeds as an egg replacement by soaking them to get the binding that you find from egg whites.

So I hope these answers are helpful and in the “better late than never” category. I am now hip to the Facebook post thing, which should help for the future. In the meantime, I am grateful for the rampage of appreciation from yesterday and I’m sending love to all of you!

Raw Chocolate Chip Cookies – Yum

Raw Chocolate Chip Cookies made into Balls

Raw Chocolate Chip Cookies made into Balls

Raw chocolate chip cookies with a walnut and date combo give a nice hint of the brown sugar/white sugar combo that is used in Tollhouse cookies – but with much better health benefits!

This is the closest I have been able to come to Toll House chocolate chip cookies and it’s really close! You can eat this as cookie dough or dehydrate or bake it so that it’s easy to take on the road. I like both options!

Most other raw chocolate chip cookies recipes I’ve seen use cashews and oats. Because cashews can have mold, I tend to avoid them. I also don’t like the idea of eating raw oats.

Check out the Recipe Here…

This article started from a conversation we had on Facebook!


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As a coach, writer and recovered former executive, I understand the challenges of creating a balanced, healthy lifestyle when over-scheduled. In my journey to radiant health, I created a whole health system of eating, exercise, renewal and recharging -- a roadmap toward health & vitality. I empower clients to create their own whole health systems, in their own unique ways. I have seen amazing results in working with my clients!