Tips for Balancing Water Drinking and Hydration

Tips for Balancing Water Drinking and Hydration

Tips to Balance out Water Drinking and Hydration. I Encounter Two Types of Hydration Issues in Clients. Don’t force this – listen to your body.

The Importance of Soaking Grains, Nuts, Seeds and Beans

The Importance of Soaking Grains, Nuts, Seeds and Beans

When I was recovering my gut health, I noticed a big difference in how I felt when I soaked my grains, nuts, seeds and beans before preparing them.

Mineral & Adrenal Support Energy Drink

Mineral & Adrenal Support Energy Drink

One night, about 10 years ago, I kept waking up just as I was about to fall asleep. This kept happening. I was annoyed, so I started to pay attention

Cinnamon Has Many Health Benefits

Cinnamon Has Many Health Benefits

One of my favorite spices is cinnamon. Cinnamon has many health benefits. I’m going to provide 2 easy healing cinnamon recipes in this post that I hope you enjoy.

Schisandra Berry: Stress-Busting Superfood

Schisandra Berry: Stress-Busting Superfood

With wide-ranging benefits, schisandra berries are one of the 50 fundamental Chinese herbs and have all 5 flavors: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and pungent.

Is Coffee Good for You?

Is Coffee Good for You?

Is coffee good for you or bad for you? What’s the story? The debate has persisted all over the internet with health experts and grandmothers alike weighing in.

Understanding Your Microbiome (the Angels Within)

Understanding Your Microbiome (the Angels Within)

We humans are made up of 90% bacteria cells and 10% human cells. At one time, we thought all bacteria was bad and now, more scientists, researchers and doctors are realizing that a good deal of bacteria in our bodies is quite benevolent now we know understanding your microbiome is critical.

Chefs for Sustainability

Chefs for Sustainability

Southern California Chef Nick Brune has traveled the world learning how different cultures practice sustainability and infuse foods with regional flavor.

The Role of Pleasure and Food

The Role of Pleasure and Food

I’ve been thinking about the role of pleasure and food this week. One of the challenges with diets is that they can box us in regarding our food choices.

Sustainable Farming: This Story Brought Me to Tears

Sustainable Farming: This Story Brought Me to Tears

I am in awe of the farmers who practice sustainable farming and care so much about our health. Who work 7 days per week to make sure we have healthy, pesticide-free, hormone-free, antibiotic free, pasture raised, sustainable food options.

Natural Mosquito Repellant Recipe

Natural Mosquito Repellant Recipe

Take a spray bottle of this natural mosquito repellant out with you. You may have to apply it more often, throughout the day, but your body will get the health benefits of the oils instead of being poisoned. Your body will love you for it.

3-Important Reasons to go on a Media Diet Today

3-Important Reasons to go on a Media Diet Today

There is one type of diet I do recommend — a media diet — where you abstain from negative programming from magazines, the Internet, TV, movies — anything geared to make you feel like you are not good enough.