The Secret Link: Brain Health and Weight Loss

The Secret Link: Brain Health and Weight Loss

Heather welcomes integrative neurologist Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary to the show and reveals the secret link for brain health, gut health and weight loss based on integrative neurology and ancient nutritional wisdom. Learn steps you can take today to boost your brain health.

Vaccine-Chronic Illness Controversy

Vaccine-Chronic Illness Controversy

Judy Mikovits, PhD and Annie Dru Allshouse join Heather Dane to discuss whether or not to vaccinate and how to heal if you’ve been vaccine injured.

Detox Your Personal Care Products!

Detox Your Personal Care Products!

Personal care products, like makeup, shampoo, body lotion, hairspray and related products expose the average person to 123 toxins before they leave the house in the morning!

Indigestion & Joint Health Elixir

Indigestion & Joint Health Elixir

Bone broth and bay leaves are both wonderful natural joint health and digestive health remedies. This recipe, which uses any bone broth or stock, shows you how to make a

Is SIBO the New Candida?

Is SIBO the New Candida?

Everyone is talking about SIBO and getting diagnosed with it! Let’s talk about that and provide suggestions to alleviate symptoms and kick SIBO to the curb! I’ve had three people write to me just this week on Facebook about SIBO. Is SIBO is the new candida?

Sugar Detox: Time Honored Healing Remedies

Sugar Detox: Time Honored Healing Remedies

Many years ago, I began studying macrobiotic cooking and healing techniques. I used many of them to help heal my digestive system. Here is a time-honored macrobiotic-inspired healing remedy for sugar detox I tweaked with spices for flavor and medicinal value.

10-Day Sugar Detox

10-Day Sugar Detox

For 10 days, I share tips on how to detox sugar from your mind, body and spirit with natural kitchen remedies and easy practices you can do on your own.

Burdock Root for Stress and Cravings

Burdock Root for Stress and Cravings

Take Burdock Root for chronic stress, cravings and to stabilize your blood sugar levels. Your nervous system, gut, heart and brain will thank you and help you ‘digest life.’

Bone Broth Benefits – Is It Important to Skim?

Bone Broth Benefits - Is It Important to Skim?

Bone Broth may be one of the best all-natural healing remedies for your digestion. It’s full of nutrients for bones, skin health, and has youth-enhancing collagen. Here’s why to make it part of your energy boosting, gut-health and brain health routine! And find out whether to skim or not to skim the broth.

Signs of Liver Stress & Tips for Cleansing

Signs of Liver Stress & Tips for Cleansing

Given the mind-body connection — that continues to be studied by scientists — but has always been known by spiritual teachers, our body sends us signals when our thoughts run amok. Let’s talk about those signs of liver stress and some tips for cleansing.

Spring Cleaning: Cleansing and Detox – The Foods You Choose

Spring Cleaning: Cleansing and Detox - The Foods You Choose

When imbalance starts, we typically have minor symptoms that are overlooked – fatigue, becoming accident prone, indigestion, etc. In our youth, we bounce back from these easily without cleansing and detox.

Healing While You Sleep

Healing While You Sleep

Imagine how challenging it is to recover from an eating disorder or addiction while chronic sleep deficiencies prevent you from healing while you sleep.