Carol Tuttle Interview – Addictions: Why We Get Stuck & How to Snap Out of It

Carol Tuttle Interview - Addictions: Why We Get Stuck & How to Snap Out of It

Carol Tuttle interview deals with addiction, why we get stuck and how to get “un-stuck.” Tomorrow, in part 2, we discuss how to create what you want and transform your life!

Exercise Addiction? Too Much of A Good Thing?

Exercise Addiction? Too Much of A Good Thing?

The funny thing about exercise addiction, is that we mask our addiction behind something people think is really healthy – and for some reason, it tends to go unnoticed by most people.

On My Soapbox – Addictions, Eating Disorders, Nutrition & Digestive Health

On My Soapbox - Addictions, Eating Disorders, Nutrition & Digestive Health

I have tended to avoid artificial sweeteners. I had heard that the airline industry would not let pilots consume artificial sweeteners because it adversely impacted their performance. There have been several articles written about artificial sweeteners like aspartame, NutraSweet and others.

Book Review: Body & Soul: A Guide To Lasting Recovery by Susan Meltsner

Book Review: Body & Soul: A Guide To Lasting Recovery by Susan Meltsner

Body & Soul is a recovery book was written by a woman who recovered from binge eating disorder and, with a master’s in social work, counsels others with eating disorders.

Nanny 911 To The Rescue

Nanny 911 To The Rescue

What would Nanny 911 say to us? In a practical sense, she’d have us identify our goal: What is our ideal state? Perhaps it’s to end our addictive behavior and be at peace – to live our lives “normally” or “free.”

Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction

Recently, I was listening to a talk by Michael Losier, author of Law of Attraction. He was explaining how law of attraction works – how this science allows us to have what we want in our lives.

Addiction in a Pill-Popping, Fast-Paced World

Addiction in a Pill-Popping, Fast-Paced World

Addiction in A Fast-Paced, Pill-Popping World.

“Second Brain” Found in Stomach, Intestines, Colon

"Second Brain" Found in Stomach, Intestines, Colon

Scientists have found a bundle of nerves in the digestive system that they are calling the “second brain” because it functions much in the same way that our brains do.

The TV Sleep Experiment: Want to Play?

The TV Sleep Experiment: Want to Play?

Try this TV sleep experiment for just one night and see what happens. If you like it, you may want to make it part of your routine – or just use it as a technique for nights before that big meeting or business trip.