Exercise – How to Trust Your Body

Exercise - How to Trust Your Body

If you keep a journal, this would be a great place to do this exercise on how to trust your body — it will help you stop the mind-body war.

Tips for Working from Home

Tips for Working from Home

How many of us have tried to work at home and not been productive — or think it’s a challenge to be productive? Here are some tips for working from home.

The TV Sleep Experiment: Want to Play?

The TV Sleep Experiment: Want to Play?

Try this TV sleep experiment for just one night and see what happens. If you like it, you may want to make it part of your routine – or just use it as a technique for nights before that big meeting or business trip.

Experiment: Listen to Your Own Voice

Experiment: Listen to Your Own Voice

How often do you listen to your own voice? If you clench your jaw or tighten your throat – or if you have soreness and tension in these areas, you may be suppressing your true voice. Headaches and migraines may also be an indicator of people pleasing